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Συγγραφείς /Αρθρογράφοι

Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky)

Revolutionary figure and theoretician of the International Communist Movement

Λεβ Νταβίντοβιτς Μπρόνστάιν (Λέο Τρότσκι)

Διανοούμενος επαναστάτης και θεωρητικός του Παγκόσμιου Κομμουνιστικού Κινήματος

Works in English Έργα στα Ελληνικά

The Trotsky Internet Archive Index Sorted by Individual Sets of Years:

1901-1910 | 1911-1917 | 1918-1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925-1926 | 1927 | 1928-1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933-1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 | 1940


Last Updated: 3 November, 2011

Selected Quotations and Passages from Leon Trotsky


The Trotsky Internet Archive Subject Indexes/Collected Writings Series

Selected Works: An index to a collection of writings here on the Trotsky Internet Archive selected by the TIA Director and volunteers as representing Trotsky’s most significant political works. [Note: this is still a work in progress]
Leon Trotsky on China: A complete collection of Trotsky’s writings on China covering the years 1925 through 1940
Leon Trotsky on Britain: A complete collection of Trotsky’s writings on Britain covering the years 1920 through 1940 with an emphasis on the mid-20s
The Rise of German Fascism: A complete collection of Trotsky’s writings on Germany covering the years 1930 through 1940
The Spanish Revolution: A complete (... but under construction) collection of Trotsky’s writings on Civil War in Spain covering the years 1931 through 1939
Our Revolution: Essays in Working Class and International Revolution, 1904–1917: A collection of Trotksy’s writings Edited by M. Olgin for the Soviet Government.
Literature and Art: A listing of Trotsky’s views on Marxism and the Arts.
Letters to Belgium: A collection of Trotsky’s letters to the Belgian Trotskyists.
Trotsky on Women: A collection of Trotsky’s articles on women and related subjects.
On Black Nationalism: A collection of discussions with Trotsky.
Political Profiles: Compilation of articles on leading figures in the European and Russian workers’ movement (total: 1.4mB).


1901 — 1910

1901: On Optimism and Pessimism; on the 20th Century and on Many Other Issues
1904: Report of the Siberian Delegation
1904: Our Political Tasks (book – 6 files, 306K)
1904: The Proletariat and the Revolution
1905: The events in Petersburg
1905: Political Letter II
1905: Open Letter to Professor P.N. Miliukov
1906: Results and Prospects
Significant work!
1907: The Year 1905 (book) [Click Here for PDF version 1 megabyte in size]
Significant work!
1907: The Soviet and the Revolution
1907: Preface to My Round Trip
1908: Leo Tolstoy, Poet & Rebel
(literary criticism/article)
1909: Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism (article)
1909: The Young Turks
1910: The Intelligentsia and Socialism


1911 — 1917

1911: The Bankruptcy of Individual Terrorism
1914: War and the International (book) [Click Here for PDF version – 500k]
Significant work!
1915: Why the German Social-Democracy Failed (A 1915 Review of Leon Trotsky’s essay)
1916: Clemency! (article)
1916: On the Events in Dublin (article)
1917: The Lessons of the Great Year
1917: On the Eve of a Revolution
1917: Two Faces
1917: The Growing Conflict
1917: War or Peace?
1917: Captivity
1917: Peace and Reaction (article)
1917: Forward
1917: The Farce of Dual Power (article)
1917: Democracy, Pacifism and Imperialism (article)
1917: The July Uprising (article)
1917: Pacifism as the Servant of Imperialism (essay)
1917: After the July Days: WHAT NEXT? (pamphlet)
1917: The Struggle for State Power (pamphlet)
1917: Blood and Iron (speech)
1917: The Peace Program and the Revolution OR [the redited/translated version from Fourth International]


1918 — 1919

1918: History of the Russian Revolution to Brest-Litovsk (book)
1918: The International Will the Allies Throw Away the Last Chance?
1918: Peace Negotiations and the Revolution
1918: Work, Discipline, and Order to Save the Socialist Soviet Republic
1918: Speech on Brest-Litovsk
1918: Lenin Wounded
1918: Soviet Government documents (authored by Trotsky as Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs from November of 1917 through March of 1918)
1918: The Principles of Democracy and Proletarian Dictatorship
1918: May Day and the International
1918: Trotsky’s Military Writings, Volume 1 (collection of articles, essays & lectures)
Significant work!
1919: To the Spartacus League of Germany and the Communist Party of German Austria
1919: Order Out of Chaos
1919: Invitation to the First World Congress [of the Comintern]
1919: Manifesto Of the Communist International to the Workers Of the World (alternative translation – extract)
1919: Report on the Communist Party Of the Soviet Union and the Red Army
1919: Order Of the Day Number 83 to the Red Army and Navy
1919: To Comrades Of the Spartacus League
1919: A Creeping Revolution
1919: Great Days
1919: En Route: Thoughts on the Progress Of the Proletarian Revolution
1919: A Letter to Our French Comrades
1919: French Socialism on the Eve Of Revolution
1919: Jean Longuet
1919: Rallying the Army During the Civil War (speech)
1919: Report of Comrade Trotzky: Russia (to Class Struggle, article)
1919: Great Times(to Class Struggle, article)
1919: Order Of The Day Number 83 To The Red Army And Navy
1919: Problems the Army During the Civil War (speech)
1919: Trotsky’ Military Writings, Volume 2 (collection of articles, essays & lectures)
Significant work!



1920: Nationalism in Lenin
1920: V.I. Lenin on His Fiftieth Birthday
1920: Letter to Yugoslav Communists
1920: On the Coming Congress Of the Comintern
1920: Speech on Comrade Zinoviev’s Report on the Role Of the Party
1920: Manifesto Of the Second World Congress
Part I | Part II
1920: A Letter to a French Syndicalist About the Communist Party
1920: On the Policy Of the KADP (Communist Workers Party of Germany)
1920: Trotsky’ Military Writings, Volume 3 (collection of articles, essays & lectures) 
Significant work!
1920: Terrorism and Communism: An Answer to Karl Kautsky 
Significant work!



1921: Vergeat, Lepetit and Lefebvre
1921: Lessons of the Paris Commune
1921: The March Movement in Germany
1921: The March Revolutionary Movement in Germany (Personal Notes)
1921: May Day Manifesto of the ECCI
1921: The Unemployed and the Trade Unions
1921: Speech Delivered At the Second World Conference Of Communist Women
1921: Letter to Comrade Monatte
1921: Letter to Comrades Cachin and Frossard
1921: On L’Humanité, the Central Organ Of the French Party
1921: The Red Army to the General Staff Of the Revolution
1921: Report on the World Economic Crisis and the New Tasks Of the Communist International Part I | Part II
1921: Summary Speech [At the 3rd Congress of the Communist International]
1921: Theses of the Third World Congress on the International Situation and the Tasks of the Comintern
1921: Speech on the Italian Question At the Third Congress Of the Communist International
1921: Speech on Comrade Radek’s Report on “Tactics Of the Comintern” At the Third Congress
1921: Speech on Comrade Lenin’s Report: “Tactics Of the Russian Communist Party”
1921: The Main Lesson Of the Third Congress
1921: Report on “The Balance Sheet” Of the Third Congress Of the Communist International
1921: Summary Speech
1921: A School of Revolutionary Strategy
1921: From the ECCI to the Central Committee of the French Communist Party
1921: From the ECCI to the Marseilles Convention of the French Communist Party
1921: Speech on Comrade Zinoviev’s Report “The Tactics of the Comintern” at the Eleventh Party Conference
1921: Trotsky’ Military Writings, Volume 4 (collection of articles, essays & lectures)
Significant work!
1921: The Red Army To The General Staff Of The Revolution
1921: Summary Speech at the Eleventh Party Conference
1921: Flood-tide



1922: Paul Levi and Some ‘Lefts’
1922: On the United Front
1922: The Trade Unions And The Soviet State
1922: The Question of the United Front
1922: Resolution of the ECCI on the French Communist Party
1922: The Communists and the Peasantry in France
1922: A Note on Plekhanov (24k)
1922: The Lessons of May Day
1922: From the ECCI to the Central Committee of the French Communist Party
1922: French Communism and the Position of Comrade Rappoport
1922: To Comrade Ker
1922: Resolution of the ECCI on the French Communist Party
1922: To Comrade Treint
1922: From the ECCI to the Seine Federation of the French Communist Party (Summer 1922
1922: From the ECCI to the Paris Convention of the French Communist Party (September 13, 1922)
1922: From the ECCI to the Paris Convention of the French Communist Party (October 6, 1922)
1922: The Fifth Anniversary of the October Revolution and the Fourth World Congress of the Communist International
1922: Who Are the Traitors? A PDF document from the Early American Marxism archive
1922: Speech in Honour of the Communist International
1922: The New Economic Policy of Soviet Russia and the Perspectives of the World Revolution
1922: The Economic Situation of Soviet Russia From the Standpoint of the Socialist Revolution
1922: Resolution on the French Question
1922: A Militant Labour Program for the French Communist Party(December 5, 1922
1922: Resolution of the French Commission
1922: Between Red and White(essay)
Significant work!
1922: Report on the Communist International
1922: Prospects of Revolution
1922: The Position of the Republic and the Tasks of Young Workers (report to Communist Youth – 56k)
1922: Political Perspectives (Late 1922?)
1922: Report on the Fourth World Congress
1922: Trotsky’ Military Writings, Volume 5 (collection of articles, essays & lectures)
Significant work!
1922: The Contradictions of the Soviet Policy



1923: The New Course (essay)  Significant work!
1923: A Necessary Discussion with Our Syndicalist Comrades (March 23, 1923)
1923: Preface to The Communist Movement in France (March 25, 1923)
1923: The Anarcho-Syndicalist Prejudices Again! (May 8, 1923)
1923: Is the Slogan of ’The United States of Europe’ a Timely One? (June 30, 1923)
1923: Can a Counter-Revolution or a Revolution be Made on Schedule? (September 23, 1923)
1923: To Comrade McKay (March 13, 1923)
1923: The Curve of Capitalist Development
1923: Civility and Politeness as a Necessary Lubricant in Daily Relations
1923: The Struggle for Cultured Speech
1923: Habit and Custom
1923: Vodka, the Church and the Cinema
1923: From the Old Family to the New
1923: The Family and Ceremony
1923: Lenin Ill
1923: On the Slogan of the “United States of Europe” (contribution to a discussion)
1923: Communist Policy Toward Art (essay)
1923: The Social Function of Literature & Art (essay)
1923: What Is Proletarian Culture, and Is It Possible? (essay)
1923: The Transformation of Morals
1923: On the German Revolution: A Speech to the Moscow Metal Workers
1923: Man Does Not Live by Politics Alone
1923: Bureaucratism and Factional Groups
1923: Theses on Industry
1923: The Tasks of Communist Education



1924: Lenin Dead (essay)
1924: The Timetable for Revolution (essay 24k )
1924: Lenin – The Philistine and the Revolutionary
1924: Engels’s War Articles
1924: Lenin Before October
1924: May Day in the East & the West
1924: Perspectives and Tasks in the East Speech on the Third Anniversary of the Communist University for Toilers of the East
1924: Class and Art – Culture Under the Dictatorship
1924: Through What Stage Are We Passing?
1924: Perspectives of World Development [94k]
1924: Literature and Revolution
1924: The Lessons of October (essay - 182k-multi-part)  [Click Here for PDF version]
Significant work! [Alternate Translation]
1924: First Five Years of the Communist International Volume I
Significant work!
1924: First Five Years of the Communist International Volume II
Significant work!
1924: Not By Politics Alone Does Man Thrive
1924: Against Bureaucracy, Progressive And Unprogressive


1925 — 1926

1925: The Letter of Comrade Trotsky to the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party
1925: Jacob Sverdlov [memorial essay – 29.3k]
1925: Dialectical Materialism and Science
1925: Towards Capitalism or Towards Socialism? – The Language of Figures
1925: Twenty Years After 1905
1925: Lenin [book]
1925: Letter on Eastman’s Book
1925: Where Is Britain Going? [book]
Significant work!
1926: To The Memory of Sergei Essenin
1926: Theses on Revolution and Counter-Revolution [11.8k]
1926: On the Tempo and Timescale of the Revolution
1926: Europe and America [47.7k]
1926: Brailsford and Marxism
1926: Radio, Science, Technique and Society [40.7k]
1926: Once More on Pacifism and Revolution
1926: Problems of the British Revolution [book]



1927: The Struggle for Peace and the Anglo-Russian Committee [36k]
1927: The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of Comrade Stalin
1927: Epilogue: The Speech of Comrade Chen Duxiu on the Tasks of the Chinese Communist Party
1927: First Speech on the Chinese Question
1927: Second Speech on the Chinese Question
1927: The Sure Road
1927: Hankow and Moscow
1927: Is It Not Time to Understand?
1927: What We Gave and What We Got
1927: The “Clémenceau Thesis” and the Party Regime [27k]
1927: The Opposition and the Wrangel Officer (34k)
1927: The Appeal to Party Members (14k)
1927: Platform of the Opposition [Click Here for PDF version]
Significant work!
1927: The Russian Opposition: Questions and Answers [Interview – 20k]


1928 —1929

1928: The Third International After Lenin (A Draft Criticism of the Communist International) [thesis] [Click Here for PDF version] Significant work!
1928: Who Is Leading The Comintern Today?
1928: On the Canton Insurrections: Three Letters to Preobrazhensky [letter – 38.3k]
1928: A Letter from Exile in Alma-Ata
1928: The July Plenum and the Right Danger
1928: The Theses of Comrade Radek
1928: On Max Eastman
1928: Some Remarks on the Sixth Congress
1928: On the Situation in Russia – A Letter to a Comrade
1928: Reply to Stalin
1929: The Groupings in the Communist Opposition
1929: A Letter to the American Trotskyists
1929: Open Letter To The Workers Of The USSR
1929: Trotsky On Radek
1929: A Letter to Souvarine
1929: Behind the Scenes in the Russian Party
1929: A Letter on the Capitulators
1929: First of August! What will “International Red Day” Bring?
1929: Two Letters on the Origin of the Fourth International
1929: Once Again on Brandler-Thalheimer (alternative translation)
1929: The Sino-Russian Conflict and the Opposition
1929: An Open Letter to the Editorial Board of La Verité
1929: A Letter to the Editorial Board of La Lutte De Classes
1929: Communism and Syndicalism
1929: The Errors in Principle of Syndicalism
1929: The First Contact with Belgium
1929: The Defense of the Soviet Union and the Opposition [essay – 113.4k]
1930: Letter to the Italian Left Communists
1929: Letter on the Opposition Press in France
1929: Disarmament and the United States of Europe [essay – 34.5k]
1929: Greetings to the Weekly The Militant
1929: The Austrian Crisis And Communism
1929: A Reply To The Chinese Oppositionists
1929: Bessedovsky’s “Revelations”
1929: The “Third Period” of the Comintern’s Mistakes



1930: The History of the Russian Revolution (book) Significant work!
1930: Internationalism and the Theory of “Exceptionalism”
1930: Molotov’s Prosperity in Knowledge
1930: My Part in the October
1930: Notes of a Journalist
1930: Radek’s Novitiate – What is Social-Fascism?
1930: With Lenin Against Stalin
1930: La Verité and The Militant
1930: Opposition Serves the Bolshevik Revolution
1930: The Results Of The Sino-Soviet Conflict
1930: The Fundamental Principle Errors of Syndicalism
1930: Open Letter to the All Members of the Leninbund
1930: Lessons Of The Capitulations (Obituary Reflections)
1930: Unifying The Left Opposition
1930: As Pure and Transparent as Crystal (essay)
1930: The 5 Year Plan and World Unemployment
1930: The New Course in the Economy of the Soviet Union
1930: Open Letter to the Communist Party
1930: Stalin as a Theoretician
1930: Letter to Revolutionary Age
1930: An Open Letter to the Italian Left Communists (alternative translation)
1930: The Slogan of the National Assembly in China
1930: A Squeak in the Apparatus (A Popular Explanation of Rights and Lefts)
1930: The Revolution in India – Its TASKS and its DANGERS
1930: To the Editorial Board of Prometeo
1930: The Party and the Left Opposition
1930: Introduction to The Russian Bolshevik-Leninists on the Present Situation
1930: The Turn in the Communist International and the Situation in Germany
Significant work!
1930: Monatte Crosses the Rubicon
1930: World Unemployment and The First Five Year Plan
1930: My Life
(autobiography) [Click Here for PDF version – 3.5 megbytes big!]
Significant work!



1931: The Problems Of The Spanish Revolution
1931: Communism and Syndicalism [pamphlet]
1931: The Mistakes of Rightist Elements of the Communist League on the Trade Union Question
1931: The Bloc of the Left and the Right
1931: Factory Councils in Germany and Workers’ Control of Production
1931: Fragments of Truth From Under the Garbage of Slander
1931: Notes of a Journalist
1931: The Permanent Revolution (book) 
Significant work!
1931: The Permanent Revolution and the Canton Insurrection
1931: The Question of Trade Union Unity
1931: Russian-German Trade Relations
1931: Stalin and the Chinese Revolution – Facts and Documents
1931: The Strangled Revolution
1931: The Successes of Socialism and the Dangers of Adventurism
1931: Thermidor and Bonapartism
1931: Thermidorianism and Bonapartism
1931: The Trial of the Russian Mensheviks
1931: Very Significant Facts!
1931: What Is to Be Learned from the Moscow Trial?
1931: At the Fresh Grave of Kote Zinzadze
1931: The Revolution In Spain [pamphlet]
1931: The Case Of Comrade Ryazanov
1931: For the Spanish Revolution
1931: Ten Commandments of the Spanish Communist
1931: A New Slander Against D.B. Riazanov
1931: For Communist Unity In Spain
1931: The Spanish Revolution and the Dangers Threatening It
1931: For Communist Unity In Spain
1931: The Catalonian Federation’s Platform
1931: Maurin and the Anarcho-Syndicalists
1931: The Catalonian Federation’s Platform
1931: The Character of the Revolution
1931: Maurin and the Anarcho-Syndicalists
1931: Problems of the Spanish Revolution
1931: A Letter About the Spanish Revolution
1931: The National Question in Catalonia
1931: A New Zig-zag and the New Dangers
1931: Nine-Tenths of Our Activities for the Revolution in Spain
1931: A Slander! Blackguards and Assistants
1931: Tactics Flowing from the Election Results
1931: Trotsky Greets Weekly Militant
1931: Trotsky’s Letter to the Pravda
1931: The Question of Workers’ Control of Production
1931: Workers’ Control of Production
1931: Against National Communism! (Lessons of the “Red Referendum”) (alternative translation)
1931: The Role of Strikes in a Revolution
1931: The Catalonian Separatists, Soviets and the Communists
1931: A Letter To Albert Treint [Letter on the German Revolution]
1931: Factory Councils and Workers’ Control of Production
1931: Trotsky Greets El Soviet
1931: Trotsky on Opposition and the Party in Spain
1931: [1st] Letter to the Communist League (alternative translation)
1931: On The Slogan of Soviets: From a Letter to Andres Nin
1931: Germany, the Key to the International Situation
Significant work!
1931: The British Election and the Communists
1931: For a Workers’ United Front Against Fascism
1931: Tasks of the Left Opposition in England and India
1931: What Is a Revolutionary Situation?
1931: What Is Fascism?
1931: The Impending Danger of Fascism in Germany



1932: Extract from Letter to the National Sections
1932: Family Relations Under the Soviets
1932: Left Opposition and the Brandlerites
1932: On the American Economic Crisis
1932: On the Disarmament Question
1932: On the Labor Party Question in the United States
1932: Problems of the Chinese Revolution (collection of articles)
Significant work!
1932: What Next? Vital Questions for the German Proletariat
Significant work!
1932: The “Uprising” of Nov. 7
1932: [2nd] Letter to the Communist League
1932: Interview with Montag Morgen
1932: Closer to the Proletarians of the Colored Races
1932: Hands Off Rosa Luxemburg!
1932: Letter to Alois Neurath
1932: Peasant War In China and the Proletariat
1932: The Only Road
Significant work!
1932: Prinkipo Letter, 1932 (letter)
1932: The Soviet Economy in Danger
1932: German Bonapartism
1932: A Strategy Of Action And Not Of Speculation, Letter To Pekin Friends. What are, at present, the chief elements of the political situation in China?
1932: Perspectives of American Marxism
1932: In Defense of October (Speech in Copenhagen, Denmark – 65.9K)
Significant work!
1932: The Passage of Trotsky to Anvers Open Letter to Vandervelde
1932: On the Suppressed Testament of Lenin ( essay - 85K)

1933 — 1934

1933: Two Articles On Those Who Have Forgotten the ABCs
1933: Before the Decision
1933: The United Front for Defense: A Letter to a Social Democratic Worker
1933: The Tragedy of the German Proletariat
1933: Germany and the USSR
1933: Hitler and the Red Army
1934: Letter to South African Revolutionaries
1933: The German Catastrophe
1933: Interview with Georges Simenon
1933: What Is National Socialism?
1933: How Long Can Hitler Stay?
1933: Fascism and Democratic Slogans
1933: It Is Necessary to Build Communist Parties and an International Anew
Significant work!
1933: It Is Impossible to Remain in the Same International with the Stalins, Manuilskys, Lozovskys & Co.
1933: The Trade Unions in Britain
1933: The Spanish “Kornilovs” and“Stalinists”
1933: The Class Nature of the Soviet State (essay)
1933: Our Present Tasks
1933: On the War in China
1933: German Perspectives
1934: On The Jewish Question
1934: Revisionism and Planning
1934: Two Articles On Centrism
1934: Hitler’s Program
1934: A Program of Action for France (38K) 
Significant work!
1934: War and the Fourth International (87K) 
Significant work!
1934: A Greeting to New International
1933: Bonapartism and Fascism
1934: If America Should Go Communist
1934: Nationalism and Economic Life
1934: On the Kirov Assassination (76k)
1934: Fontamara (book review)



1935: The Workers’ State, Thermidor and Bonapartism (essay)
1935: Centrist Alchemy Or Marxism? [85k]
1935: On the South African Thesis
1935: An Open Letter to the French Workers [28k]
1935: Luxemberg and the Fourth International
1935: Who Defends Russia? Who Defends Hitler?
1935: Chen Tu-hsiu and the General Council
1935: The Church Struggle Under Fascism
1935: On the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern [25k]
1935: Stalin Frame-Up Mill at Work
1935: ILP and the Fourth International
1935: Russia and the World Proletariat (essay – 13K)
1935: Preface to the Norwegian Edition of My Life
1935: Engels’ Letters to Kautsky
1935: Romain Rolland Executes an Assignment [15k]
1935: Edouard Herriot: Politician of the Golden Mean [40k]
1935: Lessons of October [14k]
1935: How Did Stalin Defeat the Opposition? (essay)
1935: Open Letter For The Fourth International


1936: “Trotsky Cables Denial to AP on Daily Worker Lies”
1936: Entry into the Socialists in Poland
1936: Notes of a Journalist
1936: 20,000 Oppositionists Expelled from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Recent “Cleansing”
1936: Tell Workers the Truth About Stalin’s Hounding of Revolutionists in the Soviet Union
1936: Alfred Rosmer’s Book [6k]
1936: Stalin Plans Wholesale Persecution
1936: The Stalin-Howard Interview
1936: Tasks of The Fourth International In Spain
1936: “A Jingle to Please the ‘Master’” [9k]
1936: On Dictators and The Heights Of Oslo
1936: The Task in Spain
1936: The New Constitution Of The USSR
1936: The Lesson of Spain (essay)
1936: Statement By Leon Trotsky In Reply To The Charges Made Against Him By The Tass Bureau (statement)
1936: An Interview WithLeon Trotsky On the Recent Moscow Trial (interview)
1936: Trotsky in Norway (essay)
1936: The Revolution Betrayed (book) 
Significant work!
1936: How Lenin Studied Marx [17k]

1936: Notes of a Journalist
1936: The Moscow “Confessions” 1936: Once Again – The ILP
1936: Whither France?
Significant work!



1937: Pages From Trotsky’s Journal
1937: Thermidor and Anti-Semitism
1937: Stalinism and Bolshevism (essay)
1937: I Stake My Life! (speech)
Significant work!
1937: Trotsky Sees “Jap” Blow-up (interview)
1937: Ninety Years Of The Communist Manifesto
1937: On the Sino-Japanese War
1937: Once Again: The USSR and its Defense (32K)
1937: Not a Workers’ and Not a Bourgeois State?
1937: The Case of Leon Trotsky
Significant work!
1937: The Stalin School of Falsification (book)[Click Here for PDF version]
Significant work!
1937: On Democratic Centralism and the Regime (8K)
1937: The Lessons of Spain – The Last Warning (51K)
1937: Zinoviev and Kamenev
1937: Thirst for Power (PDF)



1938: The Fifth Wheel
1938: Hue And Cry Over Kronstadt
1938: To the publishers of De Nieuwe Fakkel and De Internationale
1938: The Mexican Oil Expropriations
1938: On the Labor Party in the United States
1938: Learn To Think Learn To Think A Friendly Suggestion to Certain Ultra-Leftists
1938: “Trotsky Against Sneevliet”
1938: Art and Politics In Our Epoch
1938: Mexico And British Imperialism
1938: “It Is Necessary to Drive the Bureaucracy and the New Aristocracy Out of the Soviets”
1938: More on the Suppression of Kronstadt
1938: Freedom of the Press and the Working Class (pamphlet – 10K)
1938: Anti-Imperialist Struggle Is Key To Liberation
1938: Social-Patriotic Sophistry – The Question of the Defense of Czechoslovakia’s “National Independence”
1938: The Founding of the Fourth International
1938: On the Character of the Coming War
1938: Czechoslovakia: Toward a Decision
1938: Karl Kautsky [Obiturary]
1938: The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution (Pamphlet – 116K in 3 parts)  [Click Here for PDF version]
Significant work!
1938: A Discussion with Trotsky on the Transitional Program (Interview – 33K)
1938: The USSR and Problems of the Transitional Epoch (extract from the Transitional Program)
1938: Their Morals and Ours (essay) 
Significant work!
1938: The Chinese Revolution
1938: On the National Question
1938: Nationalized Industry and Workers’ Management
1938: Twenty Years of Stalinist Degeneration



1939: Correspondence on the Custody of His Grandson [letters written in 1938 and 1939]
1939: ‘Learn to Work in the Stalinist Manner’
1939: The Tragedy of Spain
1939: Clarity or Confusion? [23k]
1939: Lenin on Imperialism (18K)
1939: Spain, Stalin and Yezhov
1939: Krupskaya’s Death [Obituary]
1939: Why I Agreed to Appear Before the Dies Committee (excerpt)
1939: Forecasts
1939: Once Again on the Crisis of Marxism
1939: Where is the PSOP Going? [A correspondence between Marceau Pivert, Daniel Guerin and Leon Trotsky]
1939: Once again on the causes of the defeat in Spain
1939: Against the Stream
1939: Marxism in Our Time (93K)
1939: Problem of the Ukraine
1939: The Bonapartist Philosophy of the State
1939: Moralists and Sycophants Against Marxism
1939: Open Letter to the Workers of India
1939: “Progressive Paralysis” – The Second International on the Eve of the New War
1939: “Trotskyism” and the PSOP
1939: Independence of the Ukraine and Secarian Muddleheads [33k]
1939: The USSR and the War (53K)
1939: The ABC of Materialist Dialectics (18K) [Click Here for PDF version – 76K]
1939: For Grynszpan: Against Fascist Pogrom Gangs and Stalinist Scoundrels
1939: Behind the Kremlin Walls
1939: Lenin [Submission to The Encyclopædia Britannica on the Encyclopædia’s entry for “Lenin”]
1939: A Great New Writer



1940: The “Tanaka Memorial”
1940: Balance Sheet of the Finnish Events [26k]
1940: Letter to the Workers of the USSR
1940: We Do Not Change Our Course (Article – 12k)
1940: The May 24th Attempt to Assassinate Trotsky
1940: The Reptile Breed of The Nation
1940: China and the Russian Revolution [9k]
1940: Letter to the Herald Tribune
1940: Some Questions on American Problems (draft article – 31k)
1940: The Comintern and GPU [One of Trotsky’s last articles – 119k]
1940: The Kremlin’s Role in the War
1940: The Character of the Russian Revolution as Foreseen by Plekhanov, Lenin and Trotsky (54k, excerpt from Stalin)
1940: Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialist Decay [23k]
1940: The Second World War
1940: The Class, the Party and the Leadership (unfinished draft article)
1940: Trotsky’s Last Article: Bonapartism, Fascism and War (27k)
1940: The Jewish Problem
1940: Stalin Seeks My Death
1940: Manifesto of the Fourth International
1940: Stalin – An Appraisal of the Man and his Influence

The Last Letters of Leon Trotsky:
1940: On Japan’s Plans for Expansion
1940: On A “Socialist” Ally of Chamberlain
1940: Letter on the Manifesto of the Fourth International
1940: On Conscription
1940: Misfortune of an Intellectual
1940: Nipping A New GPU Lie
1940: To Generous Friends
1940: On A Petty Bourgeois Philistine
1940: How to Defend Ourselves
1940: How to Really Defend Democracy
1940: A Letter to C. Charles
1940: On Dewey’s Philosophy
1940: Another Thought on Conscription
1940: Welcome to “Our Small Garrison”
Trotsky’ Last Three Letters

Some works published later
but written in or around 1940

1942: In Defense of Marxism (collection of articles, letters) [Click here for PDF version – 602k] Significant work!
1944: Fascism (pamphlet first published in 1944)


Έργα σε ψηφιακή μορφή
1901: Περί αισιοδοξίας και απαισιοδοξίας
1907: Το σοβιέτ και η επανάσταση (πενήντα μέρες)
1914: Αντιπολεμικό Μανιφέστο του Τσίμερβαλντ
1917: Ο Πατσιφισμός σαν Υπηρέτης του Ιμπεριαλισμού  
1920: Τρομοκρατία και Κομμουνισμός  (βιβλίο)  
1921: Η μακροπρόθεσμη δυναμική της παγκόσμιας καπιταλιστικής οικονομίας
1922: Ανάμεσα στους Κόκκινους και τους Λευκούς (βιβλίο)
1922: Δύο Γράμματα στο «ΠΟΝΤ ΖΝΑΜΕΝΕΜ ΜΑΡΞΙΣΜΑ» (το δεύτερο γράμμα είναι του Λένιν)
1923: Η καμπύλη της καπιταλιστικής ανάπτυξης
1930: Ιστορία της Ρωσικής Επανάστασης
1930: Oι μετανάστες εργάτες στη Γαλλία (γράμμα)
1930: H αυτοκτονία του Μαγιακόφσκυ
1930: Γράμμα του Τρότσκι στην Οργάνωση Μπολσεβίκων – Λενινιστών (Αρχειομαρξιστών) στην Ελλάδα!
9 Δεκεμβρίου, 1932: Για τους φοιτητές και τους διαννοούμενους (συνέντευξη)
1933: A. Λουνατσάρσκι
19 Αυγούστου 1935 : Ο Τροτσκυ για την Θρησκεια: ‘Τμηματα απο Γραμμα Προς την Γερμανικη Επιτροπη’
1936: H Επαναστατική πορεία της Ιντελλιγκέντσιας
1937: Η πτώση της Βαρκελώνης
28 Αυγούστου, 1937: Σταλινισμός και Μπολσεβικισμός (άρθρο)
1938: Η ηθική τους και η ηθική μας (βιβλίο)
21 Αυγούστου, 1938: Ελευθερία του τύπου και εργατική τάξη (άρθρο)
04 Μαρτίου, 1939: Άλλη μια φορά σχετικά με τα αίτια της ήττας στην Ισπανία
11 Ιουλίου, 1939: Η ανεξαρτησία της Ουκρανίας και τα συγχισμένα κεφάλια των σεχταριστών (άρθρο)
1940: Μικροαστισμός και Κεντρισμός (απόσπασμα)
1940: Aπό μια αμυχή στον κίνδυνο της γάγγραινας (απόσπ.)

Έργα σε έντυπη μορφή

·    Η ηθική τους και η ηθική μας. Μετάφρ.-Επιμ. Θ. Θωμαδάκης. "Παρασκήνιο", Αθ. 1999.

·    Προβλήματα της καθημερινής ζωής, Εργατική Πάλη

·    Μεταβατικό πρόγραμμα, Εργατική Πάλη

·    Τα φιλοσοφικά τετράδια του Λέον Τρότσκι 1933-1935. Μετάφρ. Θ. Θωμαδάκης. "Παρασκήνιο", Αθ. 2005.

·    Το προσωπικό ημερολόγιο. Μετάφρ. Ζηνοβία Δρακοπούλου. "Imago", Αθ. 1982.

·    Η 4η διεθνής και ο πόλεμος, Εργατική Πάλη

·    Η προδομένη επανάσταση. Οι «επαγγελματικοί» κίνδυνοι της εξουσίας. Μετάφρ. Παντελής Πουλιόπουλος. 2 τόμοι, «Μαρξιστική Έρευνα», Αθ. χ.χ. ε

·    Μαρξισμός και συνδικάτα, Εργατική Πάλη

·    Το γυναικείο ζήτημα, Εργατική Πάλη

·    Η διαρκής επανάσταση. Μετάφρ. Κώστας Πίττας. 2η έκδοση, «Μαρξιστικό Βιβλιοπωλείο», Αθ. 2010 (1998¹. Εκδόσεις «Αλλαγή», 1975, 1982, 1988).

·    Και τώρα, Αθήνα, Εργατική Πάλη 2010

·    Γερμανία, φασισμός και εργατικό κίνημα, Αθήνα, Εργατική Πάλη 2010

·    Που βαδίζει η Γαλλία, Αθήνα, Εργατική Πάλη 2010