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Glossary of Marxist Philosophy



Objective and Subjective Factors of History are two kinds of conditions of social development.

Objective Factors are conditions which are independent of people and determine the direction, the bounds of their activity. Such, for example, are natural conditions, a given level of production, the historically urgent tasks and requirements of material, political and spiritual development.

Subjective Factors are the activity of the masses, classes, parties, states, and individuals; their consciousness, will, ability to act, etc.

Objective Factors always play a determining part, but their action is manifested only through the operation of Subjective Factors. The latter can play a decisive role only when the objective conditions for them have been prepared. The influence of Subjective Factors on social development rises with the transition from one socio-economic formation to another, more progressive formation. The importance of Subjective Factors particularly increases during the phase of formation of a classless society when, for the first time in history, the possibility is created for planned development in all spheres of social life and the mass of the people are drawn into the building of the Classless Society.*



*   A Dictionary of Philosophy”, Edited by M. Rosenthal and P. Yudin, Progress Publishers, Moscow 1967.